Dr. Jorge E. Casal
Primary Care Physician in Chestnut Hill, MA

Dr. Jorge E. Casal has worked as an Internal Medicine Primary Care Physician for over 20 years. Prior to joining PersonalMDs, Dr. Casal worked at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Primary Care. At MGH, Dr. Casal was well known for taking care of patients with complex and multiple medical issues. He has served as a Consultant for the MGH Grand Rounds consultation program which provides second opinions for patients from across the United States seeking assistance with complex medical conditions. Dr. Casal also worked as a Clinical Educator at MGH where he taught many physicians during their residency training. He is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School where he has received numerous awards for teaching excellence. Dr. Casal also worked at Brigham and Women’s Primary Care Associates of Brookline with Dr. Jeffrey Bass and Dr. Brad Weiner. Dr. Casal is Board Certified in Internal Medicine. However, his most gratifying role has been to provide outstanding and individualized care to his patients.
Dr. Casal lives in Boston with his wife, Christina.
- Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Associate Physician
- Massachusetts General Hospital, Associate Physician
- Harvard Medical School, Assistant Professor of Medicine
- University of Massachusetts, Lowell, College of Arts and Sciences, (B.S.)
- Medical College of Ohio, (M.D.)
- University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Internal Medicine